
It’s nice to experience positive emotions.That is also valid for sharing positive events with others, that has even more advantages. Gable et al. (2004) did research showing that telling positive events to others creates more daily positive emotions and well-being, more than the impact that is caused by the positive event itself. These effects even get bigger when others respond in an active and constructive fashion (rather than in a passive or destructive fashion).

Relationships where partners or colleagues share positive events with each other with the listener responding enthusiastically, are associated with a higher degree of well-being and more satisfaction in the co-operation. Also, people feel more connected with one another. This whole process is called ‘capitalising’.

It can be nice to share problems with each other, but the co-operation gets better when we share more successes or solutions with one another, than problems. It can be harmful for the self-confidence, and subsequently have an effect on the co-operation. The more positive the response to these solution or success stories, the stronger this capitalising effect becomes.

Research shows that capitalising positive events had two additional benefits. First, someone will automatically start feeling better telling someone something positive. Secondly, he will be able to remember the positive event better when he has shared it with someone.’

Source: Fredrike Bannink, author of ‘Oplossingsgericht Leiderschap’ / Solution Focused Leadership



Little mind game during traffic jam:

Who is happier when you give: you, or someone else who receives from you?

Happy traffic jam


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